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Friday, March 17, 2017

Differences between Hajj of males and females
What are the differences between a male and female when performing Hajj?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
There are a number of differences between a male and female in Ihram and whilst performing the Hajj and Umrah rites:
1)     A woman must not let any cloth touch her face and her head must be covered.  However, this does not mean she should not do hijab.  She should wear a veil suspended from a cap.  These type of veils are available to purchase.  The man must keep his head uncovered.
2)     It is permissible for a lady to wear gloves. A male cannot wear gloves in the state of Ihrām.
3)     A lady may wear socks and shoes.  A man cannot wear socks or shoes.  He must leave the instep of the foot exposed.
4)     A woman will not recite the Talbiyah audibly.  A man should recite the Talbiyah aloud but not to the extent that it disturbs others.
5)     A woman will not perform Raml (walking briskly) when performing Tawāf.  A male will perform Raml in any Tawāf which precedes a Sa’i.
6)     A woman will not do Idhtibā’ (leaving the right shoulder exposed) in Ihraam) for Tawāf.  A male will do Idhtibā’.
7)     When performing Sa’i, a woman will not run between the two green lights.  A male should run between the two green lights.
8)     A woman will not shave her hair off her head (Halaq).  She will only cut off one inch from her hair.  A male has the discretion of either shaving or trimming
9)     A female can wear her normal sewn clothes.  It is not permissible for a male to dress normally in his day to day clothing in the state of Ihram.
10) A woman must not go near the al-Hajr al-Aswad (the black stone) to kiss it in peak times.  A male may go on condition he does not cause others difficulty by pushing and shoving.
11) A woman should not perform her two Rak’ats Wājib Salāh after Tawāf near the Maqām Ibrahim (Station of Ibrahim) at peak times.  A male may perform the two Ra’kats near Maqām Ibrahim if there is space.
12)A woman will not be penalised with a Dam penalty for leaving the Wajib of Tawāf al-Widā’ due to haidh (menstruation) or nifas (post-natal bleeding).  Likewise, if she delays the performance of Tawāf al-Ziyārah and performs it after the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, she will not have to give a dam penalty for delaying.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faraz ibn Adam al-Mahmudi,

I am going for Hajj on the 11th of Nov, but I will be in the middle of menstruation, what should I do, a) Shall i wear the ihram ? b) After reaching Mecca I will be in the same state, how will I open my Ihram without doing tawaf and sayee. c) if after getting cleaned shall I have to go to mikat again, wear ihram and make neeyat again or just wear the ihram from the hotel and do tawaf and sayee. Please instruct me as I have read several books and articles but cannot get a satisfactory answer.
(Fatwa: 1796/L=487/tl=1431)
If you intend for hajj-e-tamat’to, you should wear the ihram of umrah before boarding the plane without performing nafl salah after having a bath and remain in the same state in Makkah. It is better to stay back in the room. If ever you wish to visit Haram then you should go up to Safa and Marwah through the exterior way of Haram and you must not enter in the mosque. When you are paak (clean), perform the rituals of umrah and during these period keep on avoiding the prohibited acts of ihram. If you did not find the chance to perform umrah after you turned paak and time of departure to Mina (for hajj) arrived, take off the ihram of umrah and wear the ihram of hajj i.e. without offering nafl salah by performing wudhu or ghusl make the intention for the ihram of hajj. And in this state keep on performing all the hajj rituals except tawaf and sa’i, and postpone them till you are paak. Later on, you should perform new umrah in place of the umrah whose ihram you took off.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

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