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Monday, January 23, 2017

Ghusl and types of discharge

 I am a person who his easily sexually aroused and have erections very often. Many times when I have erections after sometime (when the penis is erect or relaxing after an erection) a drop or two of fluid easies out. This fluid is sticky and Is clear, sometimes a cloudy colour fluid comes out but mostly is clear I do not have an orgasm or ejaculate with force I just have an erection. I need to know if ghusl is fard on me every time I experience this? I have erections like this many times, some times I have it while even praying salah

2. Recently for some time when I go to the toilet and I clear the urine passage I sometime find a clear sticky substance. this substance comes out most of the time after I urinate. Also sometimes I can feel another slippery substance coming out before I urinate. Can you please tell me what these substance are and wether ghusl becomes fardh or not. Jazakallah for your time.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Generally there are three types of emissions from the private parts besides urine:

  Mani (semen)- This is a thick white liquid. After the discharge of mani, the erection subsides. 
  Mazi (preseminal fluid)- This is a thin, clear liquid which is released during sexual arousal without gushing. This does not diminish the arousal but rather increases it. One may not even be aware of its release.
  Wadi- This is a thick, murky, white liquid that resembles mani (semen) in thickness. It has no smell and comes out after urination. Sometimes, it may even come out before urination. Usually, not much more than a drop or two of wadi comes out.[1]
The emission of mazi and wadi does not necessitate ghusl, they merely break ones wudu. The emission of mani necessitates ghusl if it takes place due to sexual activity. Otherwise, if mani is discharged due to heavy lifting, sickness etc. ghusl will not become compulsory, and will only necessitate wudu.[2] 

Generally there are two types of emissions from the private parts besides urine:

  Mani- (sperm) which is thick and white. [1]
  Mazi-(pre-coital fluid) which is thin and clear.[2]
The fluid which is discharged at the time of excitement is called mazi. The fluid which is discharged with force at the time of sexual activity is called mani. Ghusl becomes wajib (necessary) with the discharge of mani, while mazi necessitates whudu only.

If one made ghusl and then observes the discharge of mazi, the ghusl will not have to be repeated, as it was not compulsory in the first place.

However, if one made ghusl due to the discharge of mani, and then the remainder of the mani was to come out but the person urinated before the ghusl, or slept before the ghusl, or walked excessively before the ghusl, then the remaining mani will not invalidate the ghusl.[3]

I wanted to ask that i slept at night and had a wet dream and my clothes bed sheet and blanket got wet by Mani (i think its mani  as it gushes out) in morning i did ghusal and then offered namaz now when i wear the same clothes again  will i get najis will i have to do ghusal again. if i wear clean washed clothes and sleep on the same bed sheet and use the same blanket which have dried will my clen clothes get najis can i offer salah in trhem

The fluid which is discharged at the time of excitement is called mazi. The fluid which is discharged with force at the time of sexual activity or wet dream is called mani. Mani is impure (najis)and ghusl becomes wajib (necessary) with the discharge of mani. Mazi is also impure but only necessitates whudu.
Q: Is necessory to do gussal (bath) after awkening from sleep if you find mazi and you definately know that it is mazi. Sometimes I dream of sexual intercourse and when I wake up I find drops of mazi on my exit place of my private part and garments and I definately know that it is mazi (colourless fluid) will I have to do gussl?
A: If you do not remember seeing a dream, and you are sure that it is mazi then ghusal will not be waajib upon you. However, if you remember seeing a dream, then ghusal will be waajib (even if you are sure that it is mazi).
 What is the difference of mani and discharge in women ie how would a woman know that it is discharge or some other thing in which ghusl becomes fardh?
A: Semen is the discharge that comes out of a woman at the time of fulfillment of sexual desires. Apart from this, all other discharge will not be regarded as mani and ghusal will not be waajib.
With regards to wet dreams, men and women have the similar rulings.
So, if a man or woman has a wet dream and he/she sees wetness/discharge they are obliged to make ghusl, even if they are not certain the wetness is from an ejaculation/orgasm. In other words, even if he/she has constant discharge and suspects the wetness not to be sexual discharge, ghusl is still obligatory if he/she recalls seeing a wet dream. The only exception is for a man when he knows that this discharge is wady – a thick white fluid which exits after urinating or carrying something heavy which is only present in men.
If one doesn’t remember a wet dream and sees discharge, there are two rulings:
1- he/she must do ghusl if he/she believes the discharge could be sexual fluid from an ejaculation/orgasm; i.e. the mere possibility of the discharge being sexual fluid is enough to make ghusl necessary.
2- If he/she knows that the fluid is madhy, i.e. that which exists when aroused (or a man knows it is wady), then he/she does not have to do ghusl.
If there is no discharge, even if one remembers a wet dream, he/she is not obliged to do ghusl.
And Allah knows best.
Maniy in women (female ejaculation) or orgasm is when sexual fluid exits the private parts at the peak of sexual excitement, with sexual fulfillment and pleasure and is accompanied by contractions of the organ. This requires ghusl and is impure even if done through unlawful means such as masturbation. If absolutely no fluid exits the private parts during an orgasm, a ghusl would not be mandatory.
As for madhy, it is sexual fluid which comes out during sexual arousal, e.g. sexual thoughts, foreplay, etc. This requires wudu and is impure.
Will the following activities make ghusl (bath) farz (compulsory):

1)  Climaxing or achieving orgasm with no sexual penetration i.e. simply by fondling of the sexual organs?
2)  No orgasm or climax attained but wetness of the private parts occurs due to sexual stimulation of the private parts?
3)  Thoughts which result in wetness of the private parts
4)  In a male it is quite clear what ejaculation means.  In a female how does one know if ejaculation has occurred as I believe female ejaculation also renders ghusl farz.

1. Climaxing or orgasm will render Ghusl Fardh, even without penetration.
2. Wetness will not render Ghusl fardh.
3. Thoughts will not render Ghusl fardh although wetness has occurred.
4. Orgasm will be a sign and Ghusl will be Fardh. Sometimes orgasm takes place but there is no emergence of any fluid. In this case too, precaution demands that Ghusl be made.
Allah Ta’aala knows best.
Question: As-Salamu Alaykum, would it be permissible to perform wudu (in the sink) then perform istinja and the rest of the ghusl in the shower – if impurities (minor) exit after performing or during wudu and the person is going to prayer later, can they continue and perform wudu before they begin the prayer?
Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah.
[1] Performing the ablution (wudu) first would be contrary to the sunna. As the sunna is to first clean your private parts, then to perform a complete wudu, and then to take the bath (ghusl).
[2] If you perform a ghusl after the wudu, then you are in a state of purification. You do not need to repeat anything.
Question: Could you please mention the obligatory and recommended acts for the ritual bath (ghusl)? What necessitates it?
Answer: Wassalam
The Purificatory Bath (Ghusl)
Obligatory Acts:
The obligatory actions of the purificatory bath are:
(1) To rinse out the mouth and (2) nose, and
(3) to wash the entire body, including all that is possible to wash without undue hardship.
It is not necessary for a woman to undo her braids, if the water reaches the roots of her hair, (f: and it is not necessary that the water reach all her braided hair).
It is necessary, however for a man who had braids to undo them (f: to ensure that the water reach every single hair).
Confirmed Sunna Acts
Its confirmed sunnas are:
(1)    To begin by saying Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before revealing one’s nakedness (`awra), and with an intention (f: as in the ablution).
(2)    To begin by washing one’s hand, private parts, and any filth (najasa) that may be on the body.
(3)    Then one washes both private parts, even if they are free of filth.
(4)    Then one performs a complete ablution.
(5)    Then one pours water on one’s body three times, making sure the entire body is washed each time.
(6)    One begins with the head, then the right should, then the left, and then the rest of the body. One wipes with the first washing.
(7)    The body parts should be washed successively (f: without excessive intervals).
Unlike the ablution, it is valid to wash a body part with the water used in washing another, as long as it is enough to drip.
If one submerges oneself in flowing water, or moves in a large body of still water, it is considered that all the sunna acts were performed.
Proper Manners & Disliked Actions
Its proper manners (adab) are:
The same proper manners as in ablution,
Except that one does not face the qibla
The actions disliked in the ablution are disliked in the purificatory bath.
What Necessitates the Ritual Bath (ghusl)
Ghusl is only necessary after:
(1) Ejaculation
(2) Intercourse
(3) Menstruation
(4) Post-natal bleeding
What to Do if More Sperm Comes out after Ritual Bath?
Hanafi Fiqh >

Answered by Mufti Yusuf Mullan
Question: What do I do if more sperm comes out after ghusl, but after I prayed?
Answer: In the name of Allah, ar-Rahman, ar-Raheem and may His abundant blessings and most most perfect of peace be showered on the Best of Creation.
The ruling regarding this will differ depending on whether excessive walking, using the toilet, or sleep occurred or not between the completion of the ghusl and the exiting of the sperm.
If any of these took place then both the ghusl and prayer offered will remain valid. However, because something has come out of the private parts, a new wudu will be need.
If none of these three things took place [i.e. significant walking, using the toilet, or sleep] then a new ghusl will be obligatory.
As for the prayer which was offered in this state, the fuqaha mention that because the prayer itself was offered with a sound state of purity, it would be valid given that the ghusl was invalidated after the prayer.
In the Hanafi school, in order for the ejaculation to nullify ritual purity, it must be accompanied with sexual gratification (shah-wah) at the time of leaving it’s place of origin (i.e. the loins). Once orgasm has begun and based on it ejaculate exists from the penis, ritual purification will be nullified. According to the stronger opinion within the school, forceful exiting in spurts is not a condition provided that the initial cause was orgasm and sexual gratification (and not lifting some heavy object etc.). Given this, semen which remained in the passageway and exited after the completion of ghusl will require that the ghusl be repeated. However, when sleep, urinating or excessive walking occurs after the bath and before the exiting of the semen, due to these movements cleaning the passageway and halting the dripping of all semen, any semen to exit thereafter will not be attributed to the initial gratification. In the latter case, owing to absence of sexual gratification, ritual purity will remain intact. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, 1.160]
If one has a sticky fluid come out of him during ghusl is he obliged to repeat the ghusl
Hanafi Fiqh > DarulIftaBirmingham
If one has a sticky fluid come out of him during ghusl is he obliged to repeat it again? If the fluid comes out without desire it’s not semen but either mazi or wadi I was doing ghusl and I suddenly felt I had to go to the toilet I held it in and when I touched my private part a sticky fluid was there and this was during ghusl is this considered semen that obligates repeating ghusl? If one urinates before ghusl and it comes out does it require a repeat and if one does not urinate but he performs ghusl and then some sticky fluid comes out of him without desire he believes it is either wadi or mazi does it require a repeat and is he sinful if he doesn’t do ghusl again.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
In order answer your question it is important to know and understand three possible fluids that may come out from ones private part
1. mani
2. mazi
3. wadi
MANI is an arabic word which means semen/sperm. In colour its is white and thick. This can be discharged due to a sexual dream or intercourse. If someone is hit in the back and discharges sperm, he is not required to perform a ghusl as it was not due to sexual arousal. (Maraqi Falah p.40)
The ruling with regards to semen coming out of one’s private part due to arousal makes ghusl (having a shower) obligatory upon a person. Such a Person will be obliged to wash his whole body thoroughly and wash his mouth and nose.
MAZI comes out of one’s private part at the time of foreplay. It may also come out due to excessive flirting with ones wife. In colour it is a clear transparent thin liquid.
WADI is a liquid that can occasionally come out of ones private part near the end of urination it can be the same colour as the urine (yellow). (Al lubaab fi Sharhil kitaab p.42)
Both Mazi and Wadi do not make ghusl obligatory upon a person. However if a person was in the state of wudho then his wudho will be void and he must repeat his wudho in order to touch the Quran and pray Salah.

So if you did Ghusl and this sticky fluid is white and thick then its semen and you must start your ghusl again. However if it is a sticky fluid that is transparent then this will be considered as mazi. Therefore you will not be required to repeat the whole ghusl in the case of mazi coming out rather you should just perform wudhu.
Respected scholar, I have faced a problem whilst fasting.  I went to the toilet to for istinjaa and i was cleaning myself, when all of a sudden white liquid came out of my private parts.  It didn’t come out spurting nor was it with shahwat.  I didn’t feel lazy or weak after it.  I did ghusl and i cleaned myself.  Is my fast broken? Am i sinful for what took place?
Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
In principal, males usually experience one of four discharges from their private parts:
1)       Urine
2)      Pre-coital fluid (mazi): a white, thin sticky fluid.  It is released when one is aroused and in the initial stages of intimate relations with ones spouse.
3)      Semen (mani): a white, thick fluid which is discharged at the time of ejaculation.
4)      Prostatic fluid (wadi): a white cloudy fluid that is thin and warm and has no smell.  It is released generally after urinating and occasionally before. (Radd al-muhtaar 1/304 –Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah)

The distinguishing factor between semen (mani) and pre-coital fluid (mazi) is that when semen comes out, one becomes satisfied and his passion is cooled.  Whereas, the release of pre-coital fluid (mazi) doesn’t decrease the excitement, rather increases it. (Heavenly Ornaments/ Beheshti Zewar p.72 Darul Ishaat)

Furthermore, the emission of pre-coital fluid (mazi) and prostatic fluid (wadi) do not necessitate a ritual bath (ghusl), nor do they invalidate the fast. (Radd al-muhtaar 1/304 –Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah) (Kitaabul Fataawa 3/385)

Only the release of semen with its conditions has the potential to invalidate the fast and obligate a ritual bath (ghusl). (Fataawa al-Hindiyyah 1/225 Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah)

It seems like you experienced discharge of pre-coital fluid (mazi) or prostatic fluid (wadi).  Hence, your fast did not break.

Abu dhar al-ghifaari reports that the messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, “Verily Allah has overlooked those acts of my ummah which are committed by mistake, forgetfulness and duress.” (Sunan ibn Majah p. 353 Maktabah al-ma’arif)
Insha Allah, your action didn’t result in a sin.

And Allah knows best.

Maulana Faraz ibn Adam
Student of the Darul iftaa

Checked and approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah


  1. Salaamu alaikum warahmatu llahi wabarakatuhu
    I want to ask my husband has travelled so we do video calls a lot normally he wants to see my nakedness and my private part and he will show me his too and whenever that happens I get wet. And this incident happened again in the month of Ramadan at dawn he was even asking to satisfy me but I asked him to forget it so in this case is ghusul required thank i

    1. Assalamu alaikum sister ,
      I'm not a scholar in fiqh and so i'm not answering your Question but I want to give you an advice that please don't video call with anybody and share Hawrath(private parts) because it's even easier to hack into your video call and see the things you share with your favourite one . Any Social network or Video calling app isn't safe .. so please don't do that sister .. i have seen many cases of leaked video calls exposing private conversations between couples and as a cyber security student i think I have to share this message ..
      May Allah bless you and your family and wishing you a wonderful life with your guy ..

  2. Salaamu alaikum warahmatu llahi wabarakatuhu
    I want to ask my husband has travelled so we do video calls a lot normally he wants to see my nakedness and my private part and he will show me his too and whenever that happens I get wet. And this incident happened again in the month of Ramadan at dawn he was even asking to satisfy me but I asked him to forget it so in this case is ghusul required thank i


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  4. I have a question as well. I had a wet dream, but I am sure there was no orgasm. Also, when I woke up everything was dry and when I wiped the outside of the vulva everything was dry, but then I wiped inside the libia majora and there was discharge that was clear. I’m not sure whether I should perform ghusl. I really need help. Thank you.

    1. After a wet dream . it is recommended to take ghusal.

    2. After a wet dream . it is recommended to take ghusal.

  5. what if the sperm which is on the cloth becomes fully dry and then the cloth on which dry sperm was, touches other cloth ,should we have to wash the other one too to which dried sperm has came in contact and also tell me if the dried sperm is on the bed sheet and after ghusl, we wear new clothes and then sleep on the same bed sheet on which dried sperm is ,please tell me the new clothes will also become impure or not?

    1. Brother if you have touched the sperm after ghusl, you will have to repeat ghusl, or if any object touched the sperm it will have to be mandatory to clean it. then use it other-wise your prayer will be invalid.this regards any substance it has touched.

    2. Touching najasah doesn't require the repetition of wudhu or ghusal as it does not put one in the state of hadath...(that's why your wudhu doesn't break if you clean a baby's diaper.. Just saying.. ). 2ndly impurity does not transfer from a dry body to another dry one, however it is not appropriate and definitely not advisable to wear impure garments or sleep on impurity.. 3rdly a person need not wash the entire garment /sheet but has to just wash any part which is soiled by the najasah... And Allah knows best.

      Lastly please (everyone) forward all such kind of important questions to your local Iftaa department or a reliable online iftaa website do not rely on a response of unqualified individuals (it's like going to learn medicine from an engenere.. Just saying.. )

  6. what if the sperm which is on the cloth becomes fully dry and then the cloth on which dry sperm was, touches other cloth ,should we have to wash the other one too to which dried sperm has came in contact and also tell me if the dried sperm is on the bed sheet and after ghusl, we wear new clothes and then sleep on the same bed sheet on which dried sperm is ,please tell me the new clothes will also become impure or not? And i have wash the full bed sheet or not if to be washed and the clothes to which a dried sperm of the original cloth on which night fall occured which is just hard layer touched the other cloth which is clean ,have i to wash this one too?

  7. Does contractions in vagina during day dreaming or sexual thoughts without actual physical touch require ghusl

  8. اس کی youtub py koi bayan bhi hy ya Nahi agr hy to rahnmai farmaen

  9. Aoa please anyone if you can answer this please do
    What if it’s mazi,and and the penis is relaxing and it’s about to come out but as it is ,you clean it from the inside and after a while there’s no sign of it.Does it still break the wudu? do we have to perform ablution again?please please answer

  10. I was aroused near to orgasm while kissing my wife , i did not have any discharge or ejaculation that time. But after 1/2 an hour after urination while trying to stand up suddenly my maniy (semen) gushed out without any sexual feeling. Now should i do ghusl again or it is not required ?

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  12. Performed ghusl junabah but forgot to rinse mouth and put water in the nostrils( Actually don't remember whether did or didn't). Sometime after ghusl doubt arose during Namaz. Then performed Wudu. Is it sufficient or another ghusl needed.

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