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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Actions which break the fast

Brief Miscellaneous Q & A Relating to Fasting 

Question #: 5278 
Date Posted: 29-09-2005 
Can you please answer the questions below with regards to fasting?
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Q: Is taking a meal before commencing a fast (suhur) necessary in order for a fast to be valid?
A: No, Suhur is not necessary. However, it is a virtuous act of Sunnah that should not be missed unnecessarily.
Q: What time does Suhur begin?
A: One can take Suhur any time after midnight, but it is more advisable to take it in the latter hours of the night, preferably just before the break of true dawn (al-Fajr al-Sadiq).
Q: Is an intention for fasting necessary and when should one make the intention (niyyah) for the fast of Ramadhan?
A: The intention for fasting is necessary but very simple: It is to know in your heart that you will fast that day. It is valid to have this intention any time from Maghrib the night before up to the Islamic midday of the actual day of fasting, for current Ramadhan fasts and voluntary fasts. The Islamic midday is half way between the beginning of Fajr and Maghrib times. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya)
Q: Can a man have sexual intercourse with his wife during the nights of Ramadhan?
A: Yes, it is permitted to have sexual intercourse with one’s spouse during the nights of Ramadhan. However, one must stop before the break of dawn (al-Fajr al-Sadiq). It will also be permitted to take the obligatory ritual bath of purification after one has started one’s fast.
Q: Is it permissible to kiss and caress one’s wife whilst fasting?
A: Non-sexual affectionate kissing, from which there is no fear of leading to intercourse or ejaculation, will be allowed and not disliked. However, if one fears that kissing will lead to ejaculation or sexual intercourse, then it will be disliked (makruh) to kiss, but one’s fast will remain valid as long as kissing does not lead to actual sexual intercourse or does not result in ejaculation. If kissing resulted in ejaculation, one’s fast would become invalid and hence will have to be made up (qadha), without having to expiate for it (kaffara). Passionate kissing when saliva is exchanged will invalidate one’s fast, with both Qadha and Kaffara necessary. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/200 & 1/204)
Q: Does a fast break when one swallows the saliva of one’s spouse?
A: Yes, if one is certain of swallowing one’s spouse’s saliva, then this would invalidate one’s fast and necessitate both a Qadha and Kaffara.
Q: If one kisses or caresses one’s spouse and consequently ejaculates, is one’s fast broken?
A: Yes, the fast is invalidated. However one will only have to make up for the fast (Qadha), and there will be no expiation (Kaffara) in this situation.
Q: What is the difference between a Qadha and Kaffara?
A: Qadha (makeup) means to keep another fast in order to make up for the fast which was invalidated, whilst Kaffara (expiation) means to perform an act to expatiate the sin of having broken a fast.
Q: In what way is a Kaffara fulfilled?
A: A Kaffara may be given in the following two ways: 1) Fasting for two months consecutively without missing a single fast, 2) Feeding sixty poor people. It should be remembered that if one has the ability to fast then one cannot adopt the second method; rather, one will have to fast for sixty days continuously.
Q: Does an injection invalidate one’s fast?
A: No, it does not invalidate one’s fast, although it is better to avoid taking injections whilst fasting unnecessarily.
Q: Does taking out blood or a blood test invalidate one’s fast?
A: No, a blood test does not invalidate the fast, as it is merely the taking out of blood. However, it will be disliked if it could weaken one from being able to maintain the fast.
Q: Does smoking invalidate one’s fast?
A: Yes, it does invalidate one’s fast. (Ramadhan is a good time to quit smoking forever!).
Q: Is it allowed to use an Asthma Pump during the Fast?
A: If one has a genuine medical need for an asthma pump that cannot be otherwise fulfilled, then it would be permitted to use it. However, it would break the fast and require that the fast be made up later (Qadha). This is because anything that has a perceptible body breaks the fast if it enters the body through a normal channel. 
Q: When does vomiting break one’s fast?
A: Vomiting only breaks one’s fast if: a) one returns and swallows the vomit down the throat, or b) one vomits a mouthful intentionally. It is not broken by non-deliberate vomiting or (deliberately) vomiting less than a mouthful. If one’s fast is broken by vomiting, then one will only have to make up (qadha) for the fast, a Kaffara will not be necessary.
Q: How does one decide when vomiting is a mouthful?
A: The definition of “mouthful vomiting” is that which one cannot hold back in one’s mouth without difficulty.
Q: Can one fast whilst travelling?
A: Yes, one may fast while travelling. However one should not burden oneself if the journey is long and difficult, for in such situations it is advisable not to fast.
Q: Can a woman on menstruation (haydh) or post-natal bleeding (nifas) fast?
A: No, she cannot fast. It will be unlawful (haram) for her to do so.
Q: Does a woman on menstruation (Haydh) or post-natal bleeding (Nifas) have to make up for the fasts missed?
A: Yes, she will have to make Qadha for the missed fasts.
Q: Does one have to perform the Qadha fasts immediately after Ramadhan?
A: No, it is not necessary. However, it is recommended to complete the missed fasts of Ramadhan as soon as possible.
Q: When can a sick person break his/her fast on the opinion of a doctor?
A: When a competent Muslim doctor says that if he/she continues fasting, it will bring danger to his/her life or severely effect the health, then in such a situation it will be permitted to break one’s fast. One will not be liable for a Kaffara but will only have to make up for the fast (Qadha).
Q: Is it permissible to insert medicine through a female’s vagina during a fast?
A: Any form of medicine inserted into the internal part of a woman’s vagina will invalidate her fast.
And Allah knows best
[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK
What is fasting?
Fasting is to avoid food, drink and sexual intercourse. A fast lasts from Fajr prayers start time to sunset.  (Hindiyyah 194/1)
It is compulsory for all Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadhan except
  • Those who are travelling the sharee distance (48 miles), although it is preferable to fast if. (Hindiyyah 207/1)
  • Those whose health might be affected like the elderly or sick. (Hindiyyah 207/1)
  • Women going through their monthly periods, or a pregnant woman who fears for her unborn child or who has recently given birth. (Hindiyyah 207/1)
Q: I’m a new Muslim and I wanted to ask whether making an intention for fasting is necessary and when should I make it?
A:  Making an intention for fasting is necessary.
It is to know in your heart that you will fast on that day. This intention can be made from Maghrib of the night before, until the Islamic midday of the actual fast. The Islamic midday is halfway between the beginning of Fajr and Maghrib times. (In Summer this is normally between 1pm and 1.30pm. In Winter it is between 12pm and 12.30pm)      (Raddul Muhtar 395/3)
Q: I recently got married. Is it permissible to kiss my wife whilst fasting?
A: As long as there is no fear of the kissing leading to intercourse or ejaculation, it will be allowed to kiss ones wife. However, if there is fear of this leading to intercourse or ejaculation, it will be makruh (detestable), but the fast will remain intact. (Hindiyyah 200/1)
Q: I am going for Umrah in Ramadhan and need to take an injection before I set off. Can I have the injection whilst fasting?
A: Yes, one is allowed to take it, although it is better to avoid it.
(Ahsanul Fatawa 432/4)
Q: I’ve got a blood test at the hospital next week. Am I allowed to take a blood test whilst fasting?
A: Taking blood out does not break the fast. However, it will be makruh (detestable) if it results in the person falling weak. (Bukhari 260/1, Hindiyyah 199/1)
Q: I’m a regular smoker. If I smoke whilst fasting will it break the fast?  Does the same apply to “Huqqah”?
A: Smoking and “Huqqah” both break the fast. (Maraqi-Falah p.660)
Q: Does vomiting break ones fast?
A: If the vomit is not a mouthful and not forced, the fast will not break. (Raddul Muhtar 392/3)
Q: I am suffering from diabetes, do I have to fast?
A: Regarding illness, the ruling written in various books is that “(It is permissible not to fast) for an individual who is ill and fears that his/her illness will increase, or a healthy person who fears that he will become ill due to fasting.” (Hindiyyah 207/1)
Therefore, as you are suffering from diabetes and you fear that fasting will seriously affect your health there is no sin for not fasting.
Am I allowed to apply eye drops?
A: Yes, you are allowed to apply eye drops whilst fasting. (Hidayah 217/1)
Q: I’m a young girl who regularly applies eye pencil. Will this break my fast?
A: No, it will not break your fast. (Hidayah 217/1)
Q: I am pregnant and due any day now and my midwife has told me not to fast as I will not have the energy to go into labour. Am I still obliged to fast?
A: It is best in this situation to avoid fasting. You must not put the child in any form of danger. (Hindiyyah 207/1)
Q: Can I use flavoured miswaaks whilst fasting?
A: It is makruh (detestable) to use it. The flavoured miswaaks will break the fast if the taste reaches the stomach. (Raddul Muhtar 395/3)
Q: Are we allowed to use toothpaste whilst fasting?
A: It is makruh (detestable) for one to use toothpaste whilst fasting. If the taste reaches the stomach,  fast will break.  (Raddul Muhtar 395/3)
Q: Does morning sickness invalidate the fast?
A: If by morning sickness, you are referring to vomiting involuntarily and nausea, then the fast will not break. (Raddul Muhtar 392/3)
Q: Am I allowed to have a smear test whilst fasting?
A: Having a smear test will invalidate your fast, as it requires inserting an object into the private part of a woman. (Hindiyyah 207/1)
Q: Can I use lipbalm or lipstick whilst fasting?
A: It is permissible to use lipbalm or lipstick as the taste does not reach the stomach. (Kitabul Fatawa 396,398/3)
Q: If I swallow mucus, sputum or saliva will my fast break?
A: Swallowing mucus, sputum or saliva does not break the fast. (Hindiyyah 204/1)
Q: Last Ramadhan I broke my fast deliberately. What should I do?
A:  If someone breaks the fast of Ramadhan intentionally it is necessary to give Kaffarah.
A Kaffara may be given in one of the following two ways: 1) Fasting for two months consecutively without missing a single fast, 2) Feeding sixty poor people. It should be remembered that if one has the ability to fast then one cannot adopt the second method; rather, one will have to fast for sixty days continuously. (Bukhari 260/1, Hidayah)

Q: During  Ramadhan one slept until sunrise and didn’t partake of the Suhoor meal, if one continues to fast is the fast valid? 
A: Yes, your fasting is valid.
Q: Can one use a miswaak while fasting?
A: It is sunnah to utilise the miswaak while fasting, as long as it is natural and not fragranced.
Q: Can a diabetic patient check their sugar through their blood whilst in the state of fasting? Also can they have an insulin injection before breaking a fast?
A: It is permissible to withdraw some blood to check the sugar reading while fasting.  It is also permissible to take an insulin injection while fasting, as long as it is not taken directly into the stomach. However, you should consult a Muslim doctor on whether it is advisable for you to fast or not. (Jadeed fiqhi masail)
Q: Can a person take a blood test whilst fasting?
A: It is permissible to do so, and the fast will not break. However if a person becomes extremely weak due to the blood test, it is disliked (makruh) for him to do so while fasting. If he is not weakened by it, the detestability will fall away. In either scenario, the fast will be valid. (Hashiyah al-Tahtawi ala al-Maraqil Falah)
Q: Sometimes a little blood comes out from my nose. Will this break my fast?
A: Bleeding from the nose does not invalidate the fast.
Q: Will the applying of lipstick break the fast? Please specify which types of makeup do so.
A: Lipstick and make up do not break the fast. However, you should consider two issues:
a) Many of these products contain haraam and impure ingredients. In such a case, it will not be permissible to use such a makeup.
b) Many such products prevent water from reaching the skin. In such a case the wudhu or ghusl performed with such make up will not be valid.Nevertheless, the fast is not broken. (Ahsanul Fatawa)
Q: Does using eye drops while fasting break the fast?
A: Using eye drops in the state of fasting is permissible. It does not invalidate the fast.
Q: Is it permissible to apply surmah whilst fasting?
A: It is permissible to use surmah in Ramadhan. The particles of Surma that come out from the nose or mouth will not nullify the fast. (Hindiyyah)
Q: Is it allowed to use hair products, oil or body spray while fasting? 
A: It is permissible to use halaal hair products and body spray whilst fasting.
Q: What if one mistakenly eats during the fast?
A: When a person mistakenly eats or drinks while fasting the fast is valid and should be continued. (Fatawa Rahimiyyah)
Q: What is the ruling regarding fasting for a breast feeding woman?
A: If a breastfeeding women has been advised by a doctor that fasting during Ramadhan will affect the child, the Shariah has offered her the laxity not to fast. She will have to make up for the fasts missed. However, if there is no fear of harm to the child, she should fast. (Noorul iedhaah)
Q: Will a gynaecology exam involving a vaginal ultrasound break the fast during Ramadhan? 
A: The infertility testing through vaginal ultra sound does not invalidate the fast. On condition there is no insertion of any object into the private organ.
Q: What is the punishment for intentionally breaking the fast during Ramadhan?
A: Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is Fardh (compulsory) on every Muslim who is neither a lunatic nor immature (a minor). The person who does not fast in the month of Ramadhan without any valid excuse is committing a major sin.
If a person intentionally breaks the fast of Ramadhan, he will have to make qadha and give kaffarah. Kaffarah is, he will have to fast for two months (60 days) consecutively or if he is unable to fast then he will have to feed sixty poor people twice a day with a full meal. The one qadha must also be kept jointly or separately.
(Please note- kaffarah is only wajib for someone who breaks a fast of Ramadhan. If one willingly breaks a fast out of Ramadhan, then only Qadha should be kept without Kaffarah. (Bahishti Zewar)

I suffer from piles and currently use anusol.  I was told I cannot use this medication whilst fasting.  However, I am not sure what is true.  Can you please tell me if I can use them?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
In principle, a fasting person should not let substances with discernible bodies enter through the natural orifices like the mouth, nose, rectum etc.  If a discernible substance enters one of these openings and reaches the throat, stomach or the intestines, then the fast will be invalidated.
The rectum is an orifice by which medicine can reach the intestines.  Therefore, the insertion of suppositories into the rectum will invalidate the fast.[1] 

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Faraz ibn Adam al-Mahmudi,
I put eye drops in my eyes and I forgot I was fasting.  I felt the taste of the eye drops in my mouth and throat.  Is my fast broken?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The application of eye drops in one’s eyes does not invalidate the fast, even if the taste of the eye drops can be felt in the mouth and throat.[1]  A substance with a discernable body must enter a valid entry point to potentially break the fast.  The eye is not a valid entry point.[2]

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mufti Faraz ibn Adam al-Mahmudi,

Does the application of vicks on my nose break my fast?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The topical application of Vicks does not invalidate one’s fast.  A substance with a discernable body must enter a valid entry point to potentially break the fast.  Merely smelling or feeling the effects of Vicks within oneself will have no implications on one’s fast.[1]

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mufti Faraz ibn Adam al-Mahmudi,
Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
In principal, males usually experience one of four discharges from their private parts:
1)       Urine
2)      Pre-coital fluid (mazi): a white, thin sticky fluid.  It is released when one is aroused and in the initial stages of intimate relations with ones spouse.
3)      Semen (mani): a white, thick fluid which is discharged at the time of ejaculation.
4)      Prostatic fluid (wadi): a white cloudy fluid that is thin and warm and has no smell.  It is released generally after urinating and occasionally before. (Radd al-muhtaar 1/304 –Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah)

The distinguishing factor between semen (mani) and pre-coital fluid (mazi) is that when semen comes out, one becomes satisfied and his passion is cooled.  Whereas, the release of pre-coital fluid (mazi) doesn’t decrease the excitement, rather increases it. (Heavenly Ornaments/ Beheshti Zewar p.72 Darul Ishaat)

Furthermore, the emission of pre-coital fluid (mazi) and prostatic fluid (wadi) do not necessitate a ritual bath (ghusl), nor do they invalidate the fast. (Radd al-muhtaar 1/304 –Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah) (Kitaabul Fataawa 3/385)

Only the release of semen with its conditions has the potential to invalidate the fast and obligate a ritual bath (ghusl). (Fataawa al-Hindiyyah 1/225 Dar al-kutub al-ilmiyyah)

It seems like you experienced discharge of pre-coital fluid (mazi) or prostatic fluid (wadi).  Hence, your fast did not break.

Abu dhar al-ghifaari reports that the messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, “Verily Allah has overlooked those acts of my ummah which are committed by mistake, forgetfulness and duress.” (Sunan ibn Majah p. 353 Maktabah al-ma’arif)
Insha Allah, your action didn’t result in a sin.

And Allah knows best.

Maulana Faraz ibn Adam
Student of the Darul iftaa

Checked and approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah
Question: Nose-drops and ear-drops are mentioned as breaking the fast, but is it a condition that the drops reach the body cavity (jawf) or brain? This would almost certainly never happen with ear drops, as there is a barrier between the ear and the main body cavity.
Answer: Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah,
It is a condition that the ear-drops reach the body cavity.
What you are referring to is a sound observation, based on modern-day medical evidences. Classically the scholars mention the ear as being an invalidating entry point, from which a substance would reach the body cavity. However, modern-day medicine negates any such connection, unless there is a hole in the eardrum.
As such ear-drops would not invalidate the fast unless one has a hole in the eardrum.
However, as a precaution one should avoid using ear-drops while fasting.
[Rafi Usmani, Dawabit al-Mufattirat]
Waseem Hussain’s-general
Q- Does smoking invalidate the fast?
A: Smoking nullifies the fast. Both Qadhaa and Kaffarah become Waajib.

Q- Is it permissible to apply oil to the head whilst fasting?
A. It is permissible to apply oil to the head. The fast will not be nullified. (Fataawa Raheemiya)

Q- I am writing exams during Ramadhan and find it difficult to concentrate whilst hungry. Can I delay my fast until after Ramadhan?
A. It is not permissible to delay the fasts in this instance. You may however consider delaying the exams which in many instances is not impossible. Keep your fast and pray to Allah Ta'ala to make it easy for you. (Fataawa Raheemiya Vol. 2. pg 34)

Q- If I have a wet dream whilst fasting is my fast still valid?
A. Yes, the fast is still valid. However, when gargling the mouth or cleaning the nose during the Ghusl one should be careful not to allow the water to go down the throat or above the nasal bone. (Shaami)

Q- Is swimming permissible whilst fasting?
A. It is not advisable to swim whilst fasting. If water is swallowed by mistake or enters through the nose and goes beyond the nasal bone, reaching the nasal cavity the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept. (Tahtaawi Alaa Maraaqil Falaah, pg. 672)

Q- Can one use toothpaste, toothpowder or mouthwash whilst fasting?
A. It is reprehensible (makrooh) to do so. Should any of these substances be swallowed the fast will be nullified. (Jawaahirul Fiqh)

Q- How can we compensate for the fasts and Salah we missed many years ago?
A- Qadha should be made for the fasts and Salahs missed over the years. If the fast was broken intentionally without a valid reason after commencing it, then this would necessitate fulfilling the Kaffaara as well.

Q- In what way is a Kaffaarah fulfilled?
A: A Kaffaarah may be given in the following two ways:
1) Fasting for two months consecutively without missing a single fast,
2) Feeding sixty poor people.
It should be remembered that if one has the ability to fast then one cannot adopt the second method; rather, one will have to fast for sixty days continuously.

Q- If one is fasting and sprays perfume on oneself and accidentally inhales some of the perfume, will it break the fast? Will Qadha have to be made?
A. One’s fast does not break by applying or smelling fragrance provided one does not inhale the actual liquid. As such, it is permitted to apply perfume (itr), deodorant, or sprays whilst in the state of fasting. However, if one was to intentionally inhale something that has a perceptible body, such as smoke (like the smoke of lobaan, aghar batti, Oudh etc.), then one’s fast would become invalid.

Q- Can one take bath after Sehri, to be cleared from the state of Janaabat (requiring a Fardh Ghusal)?
A. It is not advisable to unnecessarily delay the Fardh Ghusal. However, due to time constraints, if one requires to have the Sehri and delay the Ghusl to after the time of Sehri ends, it is permissible to do so. It is preferable to at least gargle the mouth and put water in the nose before the Sehri time expires.

Q- What is the status of Sehri in Ramadhan?
A- Sehri is a Sunnah practice. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said, "Partake of Sehri, for verily there is barakah (blessings) in Sehri." (Bukhari and Muslim) Notwithstanding this, the fast is valid without Sehri.

Q- If one bites his or her nails whilst fasting, does it break the fast?
A- Biting the nails, irrespective of whether one is fasting or not is a reprehensible act. Hence, it must be refrained from. Nevertheless, biting the nails in itself does not break the fast, although swallowing them would break the fast.

Q- A person experienced a wet dream whilst in the condition of fasting. During Ghusl, at the time of gargling the mouth, he did not intensely gargle the mouth. Also when cleaning the nose, he did not cause the water to reach deep into the nasal cavity. Is his Ghusl  valid? Is the Salaah performed after this Ghusl valid?
A- Yes, his Ghusl is valid. The Salaah that he performed with this Ghusl is also valid. A fasting person does not have to make the water reach the entire mouth thoroughly, nor does he have to make water reach pass the fleshy part of the nose. Rinsing the mouth and the nose lightly and carefully without letting the water reach the throat or top portion of the nose is sufficient.

Q- Does masturbating break the fast?
A. One is not allowed to masturbate, whether fasting or not. However, if one does this vile act whilst fasting then the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept. (Shaami vol. 2, pg 399)

Q- Can we brush our teeth during fasting i.e. before we leave for Office (Usually between morning 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM?
A- One should not brush ones teeth using toothpaste whilst fasting. One could use a normal Miswaak to clense the teeth. It is best not to use the flavoured Miswaaks that are currently available.

Q- Does the fast break when you use a wet Miswaak, & brush your gums, the water then separates from the Miswaak & little slides down your throat?
A- Using a wet Miswaak does not invalidate the fast. Similarly, if some bristles of the Miswaak are swallowed the fast will not break. However, care should be taken not to allow water to go down the throat as this would break the fast.

Q- Is it permissible to commence the fast in a state wherein one requires Farz Ghusl?
A- Fard Ghusl should not be delayed unnecessarily. However, if one commences the fast in the state where one requires a Fardh Ghusal the fast will be valid. A person should at least wash the hands, gargle the mouth, and rinse the nose thoroughly before Sehri.

Q- Does the use of an injection or a drip break the fast?
A- The use of an injection or drip does not nullify the fast.

Q- Does vomiting break the fast?
A- The fast will break if:
a. A person vomited a mouthful involuntarily and swallowed it or a part of it by his own volition.
b. If one had voluntarily (induced) vomited a mouthful whether swallowed or not. NB: A “mouthful of vomit” is defined as such an amount that one cannot hold back in one's mouth without difficulty.
NB: A “mouthful of vomit” is defined as such a measure (volume) that one cannot hold back
in one's mouth without difficulty

Q- Can you use eye drops whilst fasting?
A- It is permissible to use eye-drops whilst fasting. The fast will not be nullified even if the taste of it is felt in the mouth.

Q- If the nose begins to bleed whilst fasting, will the fast break?
A- The fast will not break by mere nose bleeding. If the blood flowed down the nasal passage and entered the throat then it will be seen whether the blood was more than the saliva or less than it. If the blood was more than the saliva or equal to it the fast will break. If the blood was less than the saliva then the fast will not break.

Q- Is it permissible for a fasting person to scent the Musjid through burning loban or any other incense sticks?
A- It is makrooh for a fasting person to burn incense in the Musjid or anywhere else, due to the possibility of smoke inhalation. Inhaling the smoke intentionally will nullify the fast.

Q- Whilst fasting, if the gums begin to bleed and the blood flows down the throat will the fast break?
A- If the blood which was swallowed with the saliva was more than the saliva or equal to it, then the fast will break and only Qadha will be Wajib. If the blood was less than the saliva then the fast will not break.

Q- If, whilst fasting, water goes down the throat when gargling the mouth or rinsing the nose in Wudhu or Ghusl will the fast break?
A- If one was mindful that he was fasting at the time and water seeped down the throat or nostril, the fast will break. If one was unmindful that he was fasting, the fast will not break.

Q- Can I use ear-drops whilst fasting? Will it break the fast?
A- Usage of ear-drops will break the fast.

 Q- Is it compulsory for a Musafir (Shari traveller) to fast whilst on a journey?
A- It is not compulsory for a Musafir to fast whilst on a journey. However, if the Musafir is able to fast during his journey then this is more rewarding. The missed fast must be made-up after Ramadan.

Q- A person intends travelling during the course of the day and at the time of Subh Sadiq (when the fast commences) while he is still in his hometown. Is it permissible for him not to fast?
A- It is compulsory for a person who is present in his hometown at the time of Subh Sadiq to fast. Since he only intends travelling during the course of the day the concession of not fasting does not apply to him. Hence, if he does not keep the fast he will be sinful.

Q- I understand that it is not permissible to smoke cigarettes etc. whilst fasting. However, is it permissible to take the e-cigarette whilst fasting?
A- Using the e-cigarette causes a sensation of some vapour/substance going down the throat. This will also break the fast.

Q- Is it permissible to brush the teeth with toothpaste whilst fasting?
A- Brushing with toothpaste whilst fasting is Makrooh. However, if the paste does not go down the throat it will not break the fast.

Q- Is the fast valid if we continue eating till the Azan of Fajr is called out?
A- Generally in South Africa, the Azan is not called out precisely when Sehri ends. Rather the Azan is called out approximately 5-10 minutes after Sehri time has lapsed. This is contrary to the Middle East and other countries where the Azan is called out immediately upon expiry of Sehri. Therefore, if one intentionally eats beyond the Sehri time indicated on the local calendars his/her fast will not be valid.

Q- If someone unknowingly eats beyond the time of Sehri will the fast be valid?
A- If someone unintentionally or unknowingly eats beyond the time of Sehri the fast will not be valid.

Checked & Approved by Faraz Rabbani
Is it permissible to use contact lenses while fasting? Similarly what is the rule for eye drops and ear drops?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykumwa-rahmatullāhiwa-barakātuh.
1. It is permissible for one to use contact lenses and eye drops while fasting.[1]
2. Hadhrat Mufti Rafi Usmani Saheb (Damat Barakatuhum) has stated that “Recent findings by ENT specialist doctors have revealed that any liquid inserted into the ear cannot pass through the external auditory canal into the middle and inner ear unless the tympanic membrane (ear drum) is perforated. Therefore, it is permissible for one to use ear drops while fasting since there is no direct link between the ear and the throat/stomach.”[2]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Ismail Desai,
Darul Iftaa
Durban, South Africa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
I am an Aalim working in a hospital here in the U.K. I am preparing a fact sheet for Muslim Patients about medication during Ramadhan. I am aware of the Fataawa our Ulama and Mufti Sahebs have given saying: Eye drops do not break fast. Eardrops do break fast. Nose drops do break fast. Asthma Inhaler does break fast. The problem I face is that in another hospital, a similar guidance sheet was issued to Muslims and the Imam there gave advice that it is O.K. to take all of the above during Fast. I decided to look into this further. As I understand it, the underlying principle is that anything which benefits the stomach will break the fast, (correct me if I?m wrong). I?ve asked a few practicing Muslim Dr.?s and they say, ?Our Fatwa regarding Ear drops does not make sense as it has no connection with the stomach, therefore it should not break the fast.? ?The Fatwa regarding eye drops does not make sense as it has a connection or a passage to the stomach, therefore should break the fast.? ?The Fatwa regarding the salbutamol inhaler does not make sense as it goes through the throat into the veins and circulates in the blood and does not benefit the stomach, therefore should not break the fast.?
In order to clearly understand the response to your query, one needs to
understand that some Jurists, after much consideration and research, have
concluded that when any liquid, food or medicine reaches, ingests and
settles in one of the three considered cavaties of the human body viz. the
throat, the stomach, the intestines, nullifies the fast.
It is important to note that the Jurists have also identified other
apertures and pathways which lead to any of the above three major cavaties.
Some of these apertures are the ears, nose, and the anal aperture. Of note
is the fact that the medical profession has a slight disagreement with the
Fuqaha with regards to:-
* The ear: whilst some Jurists considered the outer ear to have a direct
pathway to the throat, subsequently reaching the stomach, the E.N.T experts
are of the opinion that there is no link. Their view is that the only time
when any liquid will pass through from the outer ear to the middle ear is
when the tympanic membrane (eardrum) is perforated. * Regarding this
difference, contemporary Jurists like Mufti Rafi Uthmani (D.B) strongly
advise that the views of the E.N.T experts of our time be accepted, since
there is no certainty with regards to the ear having a passage to the
throat. We should therefore refer this matter to the medical experts. (Refer
to Dhaabitul-mufattiraat fi majaalit-tadaawi p.g 54)
* The eyes: the medical profession clearly state that a narrow duct links up
the eye cavity with the throat via the nose. Regarding this difference
Hazrat Mufti Rafi Uthmani Saheb explains that:- = Ahadith have proven that
the use of surma and/or eye drops does not nullify the fast. (One should
bear in mind that after something is clearly proven from the Quraan or the
Ahaadith, one is oblidged to accept it whether it makes sense to him or not)
additionally, this duct is so narrow that whatever passes through it from
the eye is (insignifant and) negligible. ( Ibid pg.59)
As far as the inhaler is concerned, in the light of the above one can safely
conclude that all medication taken by inhalation necessarily pass through
the throat before they eventually settle in the lungs, thus nullifying the
fast. Additionally, some of this medication also finds its way to the
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Moulana Na’eem Motala
Is it permissible to swallow one’s saliva during fasting? Would this invalidate one’s fast? I have noticed that many people in Ramadan spit a great deal to avoid swallowing their own saliva, especially after rinsing their mouths during Wudhu.
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
There is, more or less, complete agreement amongst the Muslim jurists (fuqaha) that swallowing one’s own saliva does not invalidate one’s fast, even after rinsing one’s mouth during ablution (wudhu), because it is difficult to avoid. There is nothing within the sacred sources of Shari’ah indicating that swallowing one’s own saliva invalidates the fast.
On the contrary, Imam al-Bukhari (may Allah be pleased with him), under the chapter-heading ‘A fasting person using a dry and moist Siwak’ relates: ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, ‘The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, ‘It (i.e. the Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and a way of seeking the pleasure of Allah. Ata’ and Qatada (may Allah be pleased with both) said, ‘One may swallow one’s own saliva.’ (Sahih al-Bukhari 2/682)
It is stated in the renowned Hanafi Fiqh reference work, Bada’i al-Sana’i:
‘Likewise [one’s fast is not invalidated] by swallowing the moisture which remains in one’s mouth after rinsing it and mixes with one’s saliva, or swallowing the saliva gathered in one’s mouth, because of what we have mentioned [i.e. this is usually difficult to avoid].’ (Bada’i al-Sana’i 2/90)
Imam Ibn Qudama (Allah have mercy on him) states in his renowned masterpiece of Hanbali and comparative Fiqh, Al-Mughni:
‘What cannot be avoided, such as swallowing one’s own saliva, does not invalidate the fast, because avoiding it is difficult… Even if a person lets saliva gather and then swallows it deliberately, it does not invalidate his fast.’ (Al-Mughni, 3/39-40)
As such, there is nothing wrong in swallowing one’s own saliva during fasting. One should avoid making things difficult upon oneself and thus there is no need to spit a great deal during Ramadhan. Spitting causes dryness in the mouth and makes one thirsty, causing unnecessary hardship.
Indeed, if one’s saliva is mixed with something else, such as blood from the gums or food that remained in the mouth, then the fast would be invalidated if swallowed deliberately.
Finally, despite swallowing one’s own saliva not invalidating one’s fast, it is disliked (makruh) to deliberately make a point of gathering one’s saliva in the mouth and then swallowing it in order to quench one’s thirst. (Maraqi al-Falah Sharh Nur al-idah, P: 680)
And Allah knows best
[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Indeed it is reported from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) that he would kiss his wife and our mother Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) passionately (by sucking on her tongue) whilst in the state of fasting. (Sunan Abu Dawud, no: 2378)
However, when I quoted this Hadith in the answer titled “Passionate kissing is also the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace)” I stated that please refer to the Fiqh of kissing during a fast. The reason being is that, according to the Fuqaha, the exchange of saliva through kissing will invalidate one’s fast.
The Hanafi jurists (fuqaha) state that non-sexual affectionate kissing, from which there is no fear of leading to intercourse or ejaculation, is allowed and not disliked. But, if one fears that kissing will lead to ejaculation or intercourse, then it will be disliked to kiss. However, one’s fast remains valid as long as kissing does not lead to actual sexual intercourse or does not result in ejaculation. If kissing resulted in ejaculation, one’s fast would become invalid and hence will have to be made up (qadha), without having to expiate for it (kaffara). (See: al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/200 & 1/204)
With regards to passionate or French kissing when saliva is exchanged, it is stated in Maraqi al-Falah:
“And from the acts than invalidate one’s fast and also necessitate an expiation (kaffara) is the swallowing of the saliva of one’s spouse or friend, for one feels passion in it.” (Tahtawi ala Maraqi al-Falah, P: 667)
It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya:
“If one swallows the saliva of another, one’s fast will be invalidated without expiation (kaffara) being necessary, unless the saliva is of one’s friend (or spouse), for that will also necessitate expiation.” (1/203)
Thus, swallowing the saliva of another in a sexual manner with desire and passion invalidates one’s fast, with a make up (qadha) and expiation (kaffara) both becoming necessary. Passionate kissing or sucking on the tongue of one’s spouse would inevitably result in an exchange of saliva, and then that saliva being swallowed. As such, it would result in the invalidation of one’s fast. This is the position of the Hanafi Fuqaha and also the Fuqaha of some other Schools.
Now, the question arises as to how would the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace), wherein he is reported to have kissed passionately whilst fasting (quoted above), be explained?
Imam Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Allah have mercy on him) states:
“There is a narration that has been recorded by only Imam Abu Dawud from Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) that the “Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would kiss her passionately (during a fast)” but the chain of this Hadith is weak. If it is proven to be authentic, then it refers to when there is no exchange of saliva, hence not swallowing one’s spouse’s saliva.” (Fath al-Bari, 4/195)
The great scholar of Hadith of the Indian Subcontinent, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanpuri (Allah have mercy on him) states in his commentary of Sunan Abi Dawud, Bazl al-Majhud, that this Hadith where it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would kiss Sayyida A’isha passionately whilst fasting to the point that he would suck on her tongue goes against what the Fuqaha have stated that swallowing the saliva of another invalidates one’s fast.
One explanation is that the chain of transmission for this Hadith is weak. The narrators Muhammad ibn Dinar and Sa’d ibn Aws are considered to be weak, and neither is there another authentic Hadith wherein “sucking on the tongue” is mentioned.
Secondly (even if the Hadith is proven to be authentic), passionate kissing and sucking on the tongue is not connected to fasting. Hence, the meaning of the Hadith is that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would kiss Sayyida A’isha whilst he was fasting, and normally when he kissed her, he would kiss her passionately (but not necessarily whilst fasting).
Thirdly, Even if the passionate kissing took place in the state of fast, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would ensure not to swallow her saliva. The sucking on the tongue was very subtle and not to the point where saliva was exchanged and swallowed. (See: Bazl al-Majhud fi Hal Abi Dawud)
In Conclusion, passionate kissing is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him) as mentioned in the Hadith of Sunan Abi Dawud, although some have considered the chain of this Hadith to be weak. However, it would not be allowed to kiss passionately whilst in the state of fasting, for the exchange of saliva and the resulting swallowing will invalidate one’s fast.
And Allah knows best
[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK
Bismillah Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem
Assalamu aliekum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
As stated in Nur al-Iydah, there are three types of emissions: wady, madhy, and mani.
Wady is a white, thick discharge that is commonly seen before or after urinating. Madhy is a white, thin discharge that is caused through the excitement of foreplay or kissing. Mani is a fluid that is released after ejaculation.
Wady and madhy necessitate wudhu and mani requires one to perform ghusl.
As for sexual relations while one is fasting, the following is a breakdown from Nur al-Iydah of what does or does not invalidate one’s fast and the expiation rulings accompanying them.
Physical Contact that Doesn’t Break One’s Fast:
-Non-passionate kissing (i.e. doesn’t lead to sexual intercourse or ejaculation)
-Looking at one’s spouse, even if one ejaculates
Physical Contact that Doesn’t Break One’s Fast But Is Disliked:
-Non-passionate kissing that one fears will lead to sexual intercourse or ejaculation
-Anything sexual that one fears will lead to sexual intercourse or ejaculation
Physical Contact that Breaks One’s Fast And Requires Makeup Only:
-Ejaculation from masturbation *
-Kissing and touching that caused ejaculation *
Physical Contact that Breaks One’s Fast And Requires Makeup and Kaffara:
-Passionate kissing *
-Swallowing the saliva of one’s spouse or friend *
-Sexual intercourse without ejaculation *
-Ejaculation from sexual intercourse *
*The person who involved himself in the above-mentioned situations should refrain from eating and drinking for the remainder of that day, and repent for the severity of his sin.
Outside the month of Ramadan, if one breaks his fast deliberately, then he is not required to complete a Kaffara.
Related Links:
Minor sexual relations while fasting. 
Fasting: What physical contact is permitted?
Passionate kissing while fasting
Naielah Ackbarali
Approved by Faraz Rabbani

Frequently asked Questions pertaining to Fasting
Q: Does a minor child have to fast?
A: fasting is not obligatory on a child.

Q: Does a pregnant woman have to fast?
A: By default, a pregnant woman has to fast. However, if illness or harm is genuinely feared upon herself or the foetus, she is then exempted from fasting. She will have to do Qadhā’ later.
Q: Does a sick person have to fast?
A: A sick person is exempted from fasting altogether if there is genuine reason to believe that the current illness will intensify by fasting or that he will suffer another illness on result of fasting or that his recovery will be prolonged due to fasting.
Q: Can a traveller omit fasting?
A: A Shar’ī musāfir (traveller) who embarked on his journey prior to dawn is permitted to omit the fast of that day. As long as he is a Shar’ī musāfir, he may omit fasting.
Q: What about travelling during the day?
A: If a person embarked on a journey during the day, he/she will have to fast that day.
Q: Will the application of eye drops break the fast?
A: Using eye drops will not break the fast.
Q: Can ear drops be used?
A: If a person’s eardrum is not perforated (intact), he may use ear drops. If someone has perforated ear drums, it will not be permissible to use ear drops.
Q: Can we use insulin injections whilst fasting?
A: It is permissible to use insulin injections. Injections do not break a fast.
Q: Will a nasal spray break the fast?
A: Yes, a nasal spray will break the fast.
Q: Can mouthwash be used whilst fasting?
A: It is disliked to use mouthwash whilst fasting.
Q: Is it permissible to brush teeth and use toothpaste?
A: It is disliked to use toothpaste whilst fasting. One may brush teeth, use a miswak and a tongue scraper.
Q: Can an addicted smoker smoke whilst fasting?
A: It is not permissible to smoke whilst fasting. Smoking will result in Qadhā and Kaffārah. A smoker may use a transdermal nicotine patch.
Q: What is the ruling for using suppositories?
A: Insertion of suppositories up the rear passage will invalidate the fast.
Q: I forgetfully ate whilst fasting?
A: If one was totally unaware that he was fasting, the fast will not be broken regardless of what was consumed.
Q: By mistake I swallowed water whilst doing wudhu?
A: By doing an act mistakenly will break one’s fast. However, only Qadhā will be necessary.
Q: I engaged in intercourse with my spouse?
A: Intercourse will invalidate the fast and will make Qadhā and Kaffārah compulsory.
Q: will engaging in intimacy break the fast?
A: Merely being intimate is disliked if it will lead one further. If one experiences ejaculation, the fast will be broken.
Q: I had a wet dream whilst fasting. Is my fast broken?
A: A wet dream will not invalidate the fast.
Q: What is the Kaffārah?
A: A Kaffārah is expiation for a violation. It is fasting for 60 days consecutively without any interruption for those capable of fasting. If one cannot fast, he will have to give monetary Kaffarah.
Q: When will Kaffārah be binding?
A: By swallowing food without an excuse, consuming something that one is inclined to or by intercourse.
Q: Can a sick person pay fidyah instead of fasting?
A: A person who cannot fast due a chronic or terminal illness may give fidyah. As long as a person’s condition remains such that they cannot fast, they will keep giving fidyah for each fast. 

What is the status of Sehri in Ramadaan?
A. Sehri is a Sunnah practice. Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam is reported to have said, ”Partake of Sehri, for verily there is Barakah (blessings) in Sehri.” (Bukhari, Muslim) However the fast is valid without Sehri.

Does the use of an injection break the fast?
A. The fast is not nullified. However if the injection is injected directly into the stomach or brain, the fast would break. (Ahsanul Fatawa, V: 4, P: 432).

NB. Dosages of Insulin injected to the abdomen does not invalidate the fast as it is not injected directly into the stomach.

Does the use of a drip break the fast?
A. No. (Fataawa Mahmoodiya, V: 10, P: 149, Farooqiyyah).
Can I have a blood test done whilst fasting?
A. Yes, you could do so provided that you do not become so weak that fasting becomes difficult. (AhsanulFatawa, V: 4, P: 435, Sa’eed)
If one vomits, does it break the fast?
A. The fast is only broken if one had vomited a mouthful involuntarily and swallowed it voluntarily or if one had voluntarily (induced) vomited a mouthful whether swallowed or not. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V: 1, P: 203/4)

The definition of “mouthful (vomit)” is that which one cannot hold back in one’s mouth without difficulty.

Is it permissible to swim whilst fasting?
A. It is not advisable to swim whilst fasting. If water is swallowed by mistake or enters through the nose and reaches the brain then the fast will break and a Qadha will have to be kept. (Tahtaawi Alaa Maraqil Falaah, P: 671)
Is it permissible to apply oil to the head whilst fasting?
A. Yes it is permissible to do so. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyya– V: 1, P: 203)
I am writing exams during Ramadaan and find it difficult to concentrate whilst hungry. Can I delay my fast until after Ramadaan?
A. It is not permissible to do so. Keep your fast and pray to Allah Ta’ala to make it easy for you.(Fataawa Raheemiya V: 2. P: 34)
I am an asthmatic. Does the usage of the pump break my fast?
A. It is advisable that you use your pump at Sehri time and Iftaar time. However, if you do have an acute attack, you could use your pump. This will break your fast however.
Will my fast break if my nose bleeds?
A. No, the fast is not broken by mere nosebleed. However if blood flows down the throat, it will break if one tastes the blood in the throat or the blood swallowed is more or equal to the saliva swallowed with it. If the blood is less than the saliva, the fast is still intact. (al-Fataawa al-Hindiyyah– V:1, P: 203)
Can one take a bath after Sehri, to be cleared from the state of Janaabat (requiring Fardh Ghusal)?
A. It is not advisable to unnecessarily delay the Fardh Ghusl. However if one is the position that he wants to partake of Sehri before taking the Ghusl then it is permissible.
If one is fasting and sprays perfume on oneself and accidentally inhales some of the perfume, will it break the fast? Will Qadha have to be made?
A. One’s fast does not break by wearing, feeling or smelling fragrance. As such, it is permitted to apply perfume (itr) whilst in the state of fasting. However, if one was to intentionally inhale something that has a perceptible body, such as smoke (like the smoke of lobaan, the vapour of perfumes, agharbatti, Oudh etc.), then one’s fast would become invalid. (Tahtawi ala Maraqil Falaah, P:660)
Does masturbating break the fast?
A. One is not allowed to masturbate, whether fasting or not. However if one does this vile act whilst fasting then the fast will break and a Qadha will have to be kept. (Raddul Muhtaar, V:. 2, P: 399)

NB: One should make sincere and abundant Taubah for this debase act.

Is it permissible for a husband and wife to kiss whilst fasting?
A. It is permissible, provided that:

i. One does not swallow the saliva of his/her partner.
ii. One has control over his/her desire and is not driven by desire to sexual intercourse or ejaculation. (Raddul Muhtaar, V: 2, P: 410)

However such an action in the state of fasting is not advisable. If the saliva of the spouse is swallowed then not only is Qadha to be made but also Kaffaarah (i.e. fasting consecutively for 60 days).

Q. I am a diabetic and not in a position to keep fast. How do I compensate for the missed fasts?
A. Allah Ta’ala has granted permission to people like yourself to compensate the fast with contributions for poor Muslims. The Jurists have equated this amount to that of Sadaqatul Fitr (money given on Eid day to the poor). The current (Ramadhaan 1438) price in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa is R20.00 or more for each fast. It could be paid at the beginning of Ramadhan or at the end. (Shaami). This money may not be discharged before Ramadaan.
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians
223 Alpine Road, Overport
Durban, South Africa

Tel : +27 (0) 31 2077099
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Twitter: @JamiatKZN


  1. jazak Allah.
    can oil be applied during fasting?

  2. Salam, can the weak old and sick break their fast if needed. And does (without intent) vomiting OVER a mouthfull

  3. The vapors that are burned with e-cigarettes can lead to the release of certain inflammatory proteins within your gum tissue.
